Publications and preprints

with S. Ivanov and A. Nordskova, Local Kakutani's ellipsoid characterization, preprint (2023). arXiv

with S. Ivanov and A. Nordskova, Banach's isometric subspace problem in dimension four, Invent. math. 233 (2023), no. 3, 1393–1425. doi arXiv MR

On Morse Index Retrieval, preprint (2021). arXiv

Oriented area as a Morse function on polygon spaces, Ars Math. Contemp. 19 (2020), no. 1, 155–171. doi arXiv MR

Other texts

Appendix to G. Mondello, D. Panov, On decorated representation spaces associated to spherical surfaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2024). doi arXiv

with N. Vavilov and P. Gvozdevsky, Recent results on intermediate subgroups of classical groups, Proceedings of the 4BIGTC2017 (2017), pp. 44–46. pdf

Research talks


10 Oct 2024, Relative Wrapped Fukaya Categories of Surfaces, Geometry and Topology seminar at Uppsala University.


7 Aug 2024, A Relative Mirror to the Affine Plane Blown Up at a Point, junior talk at Mirrors in the Midlands 2024.

26 May 2023, On Banach's isometric subspaces problem, Cambridge Junior Geometry Seminar.

17 Oct 2022, On Banach's isometric subspaces problem, KCL/UCL Junior Geometry Seminar.

13 Sep 2021, On Morse Index Retrieval (in Russian), A.D. Aleksandrov Seminar in Geometry at PDMI RAS.

19 Aug 2021, On Morse Index Retrieval, International conference on Geometry in the Large at EIMI.

5 Apr 2021, On Morse Index Recovering (in Russian), Seminar Geometry and Combinatorics at Chebyshev Laboratory SPbU.

15 Mar 2021, A Local Approach to Banach's Problem in Dimension Four (in Russian), with A. Nordskova, A.D. Aleksandrov Seminar in Geometry at PDMI RAS.

14 Nov 2020, Oriented Area as a Morse Function on Polygon Spaces (in Russian), Möbius Contest Final.

29 Oct 2020, Polygon Spaces and Oriented Area, Student Colloquium at Chebyshev Laboratory SPbU.

7 Jun 2018, Normalisers of subsystem subgroups in minuscule representations of exceptional Chevalley groups (in Russian), Seminar Algebraic Groups at Chebyshev Laboratory SPbU.

2 Feb 2017, On overgroups of EO(2l - 1, R) in SO(2l, R) (in Russian), with P. Gvozdevsky, The Sixth School-Conference on Lie Algebras, Algebraic Groups and Invariant Theory.

Organisational activities

Co-organiser of Queer In Number Theory and Geometry Workshop, 30 Aug–1 Sep 2023, West Lexham.

Co-organiser of Mini-workshop on Symplectic Topology, 7–9 Jun 2023, Imperial College London.

Co-organiser of Junior Geometry Seminar, Oct 2022–Jul 2023, Imperial College London.

President of the Student Council of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science SPbU, Feb 2020–Apr 2021.

Co-organiser of the Seminar Isoperimetric inequalities in Riemannian geometry, Sep 2019–Jan 2020, Chebyshev Laboratory SPbU.

Co-organiser of The Student Seminar on Geometry of Surfaces, Feb 2019–Apr 2019, Chebyshev Laboratory SPbU.

Teaching experience

Autumn Term 24/25, Real Analysis (MA203), class teacher, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Autumn and Winter Term 23/24, Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (MA103), class teacher, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Second Semester 22/23, Metric Spaces and Topology (5CCM226A/6CCM226B), graduate teaching assistant, King's College London.

Second Semester 22/23, Linear Algebra and Geometry II (4CCM114A/5CCM114B), graduate teaching assistant, King's College London.

First Semester 22/23, Linear Algebra and Geometry I (4CCM113A), graduate teaching assistant, King's College London.

Autumn Semester 20/21, Convex Geometry, teaching assistant, St. Petersburg State University.

2016–2019, Sessions in mathematics for high school students, teacher, Regional centre for gifted children Intellect, Lisy Nos.

2015–2019, Private high school maths tutor.

2015, 2016, Summer maths camp for high school students, teaching assistant, St. Petersburg School for Young Mathematicians.

2014–2017, Maths club for high school students, teacher, Lyceum 8, Sosnovy Bor.

2014–2017, Maths club for high school students, teaching assistant, St. Petersburg School for Young Mathematicians.

Conferences, schools, and workshops

16–20 Sep 2024, Conference Mathematics on the Crossroad of Centuries, participant, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques.

6–9 Aug 2024, Meeting Mirrors in the Midlands, junior speaker, University of Birmingham.

3–7 Jun 2024, Conference From Hamiltonian Dynamics to Symplectic Topology and Beyond, participant, Institut Henri Poincaré.

29 Apr–3 May 2024, Floer Homotopy Theory Spring School, participant, Serbonnes.

30 Aug–1 Sep 2023, Workshop Queer In Number Theory and Geometry, co-organiser, West Lexham.

13–18 Aug 2023, Summer School on Higher Structures in Algebra and Geometry, participant, Nordfjordeid.

3–7 Jul 2023, Conference Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces, and Counting Invariants, participant, Imperial College London.

7–9 Jun 2023, Mini-workshop on Symplectic Topology, co-organiser, Imperial College London.

22–24 Mar 2023, Mini-workshop Higher categorical methods in algebra and geometry, participant, Universität Hamburg.

16–18 Jan 2023, Workshop on Interplay between symplectic geometry and cluster theory, participant, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg.

20–24 Jun 2022, Workshop Spherical surfaces and related topics, participant, Cortona.

28 May–1 Jun 2022, Meeting 3CinG Symplectic versus algebraic geometry, participant, University of Warwick.

16–20 Aug 2021, International conference on Geometry in the Large, speaker, Euler International Mathematical Institute.

9–13 Aug 2021, Conference of International Mathematical Centres, volunteer, Sochi.

29 Jul–7 Aug 2021, XX International Congress on Mathematical Physics, volunteer, Geneva.

16–20 Dec 2019, Winter school-conference Analysis, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics — 2021, participant, St. Petersburg State University.

26–30 Aug 2019, Summer school Visions of Algebraic Groups, participant, Euler International Mathematical Institute.

19–23 Aug 2019, Conference Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: V.A.Rokhlin — 100, participant, Euler International Mathematical Institute.

8–12 Jul 2019, Conference Riemann surfaces and Teichmuller theory, participant, Euler International Mathematical Institute.

3–8 Jun 2019, Workshop Groups and Group Rings, participant, St. Petersburg State University.

1–6 Feb 2019, Winter school Symmetry and complexity in mathematics, HSE University.

18–22 Jun 2018, Mini-course Algebraic Groups and Hermitian K-Theory, participant, Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin, Lens.

14–18 Dec 2017, Conference Transformation Groups, participant, Independent University of Moscow.

24 Jul–18 Aug 2017, Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria, participant, Perugia.

30 Jan–4 Feb 2017, The 6th school-conference Lie algebras, algebraic groups, and invariant theory, speaker, Moscow State University.

25–31 Jul 2016, Summer school in mathematics Algebra and Geometry, participant, Yaroslavl.